Edythe was born with syndactyly. The four fingers of her right hand were webbed or fused. As we considered, prepared for, and recovered from surgery to release her fingers, it would have been so nice to hear about other parents' experiences, but we couldn't find many. Hopefully this will help someone out there who is wondering what to expect if they choose surgery!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day After

It was a long night. We didn't want to give Edythe the heavy pain meds prescribed if it wasn't necessary, so when she seemed pretty fussy we gave her infant Tylenol. That took effect within 15 minutes and she felt so much better. For the first night and day she had Tylenol every 4 hours. She didn't feel well, and any bump of her hand hurt. That was the hardest day.
But since then, every day has gotten better! For the next day and night she had Tylenol every 7 hours or so, three doses, and she's had nothing since.
On the third day, she was really back to her normal self and we were thrilled! Exploring the house, wiggling her hips when there's music on, and chasing her brothers. We all hovered over her, trying to keep her from banging her hand.
Today is the fourth day after surgery and she's using her hand and arm (as much as she can with the cast). She hasn't shown any sign of pain in her hand for a day. And her pinky is pink!
We are glad we have to wait at least three months for her next surgery to release her two middle fingers. I keep wondering if the four fingers she has now are good enough :).

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